About Us

About us

Ohaha Family Foundation, Nigeria based NGO since 2014, on a mission to defend human dignity, alleviate poverty, and provide social protection services, empowering and connecting people with tools, services and resources to building sustainable and prosperous future in hard-to-reach, remote communities in Nigeria. OFF is in ECOSOC special consultative status since 2018, registered in the EU transparency register, member of the GNDR, Thomas Reuters Trust Law, NAMATI, and endorser to the Charter for Change (C4C), we at OFF sees a community that is free from poverty, social, economic self-reliant and knowledgeable about their rights and human dignity, helping our people and beneficiaries build productive, sustainable and liveable community through inclusive engagement and people participation in the decision making and program implementation.

We strive

Ohaha Family Foundation exist to reaffirm faith in the family, promote the quality of life for all, promote social progress and improved standard of living, fight prevalent diseases, fight poverty, encourage education at all level for all families, promote justice, equity and the rule of law; for ALL people regardless of culture, nationality, religion, race or ethnicity are members of one human family created by God, and have a right to life, health, education, shelter, food and be a member of a supportive family. Promote women empowerment, uphold children’s rights, support families boast local economics, cultivate and nurture sustainable partnerships for peace-building and community-based interventions.

Our approach

People-cantered, community participation approach.

Thematic areas